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Class 7 NCERT Solutions Civics Chapter 2 - Role of the Government in Health

Role of the Government in Health Exercise 23

Solution 1

‘Standard of living’ refers to the level of income, comforts and level of services (health, education etc) that is available to the family. Based on the above criteria, the standard of living of a family may be poor, middle class or wealthy.
‘Public health’ refers to the general health and well being of the people. The public health service is a chain of health centres and hospitals run by the government. They are linked together so that they cover both rural and urban areas and can also provide treatment to all kinds of problems – from common illnesses to special services. High quality of public health services should be accessible to all without any kind of discrimination.

Solution 2

Different ways through which the government can take steps to provide healthcare for all are:

  • Setting up an increasing number of health centres and special treatment service centres to treat the people living in isolated rural areas.
  • Organising free camps to do the necessary medical checkup of the people.
  • Provide medicines to the poorest sections of the society at a discounted or free rate.
  • To provide clean, affordable and reliable medical services to all sections of the society.
  • To provide affordable health services to all without any discrimination.

Solution 3


Cost of services

Availability of services


High-very high

Easily available or available to only a few



Sometimes available; if available, services not properly maintained

Solution 4

In our country, most of the diseases are caused by contaminated water and poor sanitation.



Several diseases are water borne diseases which are caused by water contamination and drinking of contaminated water.

Several diseases are caused by poor sanitary conditions.

People lack knowledge regarding water supply and its purity.

People are not fully aware of proper sanitation techniques.

Diseases caused by contamination are loose motions, diarrhoea, malaria, cholera, dysentery, jaundice etc.

Diseases caused by poor sanitation are plague, fever etc.

Improvement can be brought about by treating water using purifiers, filters and Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems.

Improvement can be brought about by maintaining cleanliness and proper disposal of waste.

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